Sunday, February 29, 2004
Tuesday, February 24, 2004
Comments are up.
I just added comments via Haloscan. The feature seems to work pretty well. Feel free to send something.
Restaurant Review
On Sunday Mrs. Base10 and I took a walk to Sunnyside and tried some Korean barbecue. Now we are quite the chowhounds, and I think I have tried nearly every Asian cuisine available, but for some reason have never tried Korean food, so we were really looking forward to trying something new. The restaurant was Shin Chon Kalbi, at 43rd Street and Queens Boulevard. We tried Jab Chae, which was a dish with beef scallions and glass noodles. Very tasty! The next was Bul Go Gi, a marinated sliced beef dish. Again, outstanding!. The food was good but I also liked the side dishes. Apparently traditional food is served with numerous small side dishes which were also quite delicious like kimchee (not too spicy), tofu, dried calamari, and pickled radish (nice to clear the palate). I can't say the place was inexpensive--$40 for two of us without drinks--but it wasn't a bank account buster either. I recommend it.
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Friday, February 20, 2004
I just picked up a couple of books from Borders. The first is The World of Null-A, by A.E. van Vogt. Its a classic science fiction story that I read when I was about twelve. I had long thought this book out of print, but the local Borders had a copy on its shelves. (Barnes and Noble beware: Border's website can show you if a book is in stock at your local store). It was apparently reprinted in 2002. I particularly liked the cover art which is a throwback to 50's ideas of what modern dress and spaceships would look like. I've only read the first couple of chapters but so far the book really seems to hold up well. It's amazing that it was first published in 1945! The other book I picked up was Pattern Recognition, by William Gibson. This was a rare impulse purchase on my part. I was interested since I recently reread the "sprawl" trilogy and saw the book on the way out. Although I've only read a few pages, the book looks interesting. Gibson's best work is in concepts, not necessarily accurate descriptions of computer technology. The main character is a "coolhunter," meaning a person who discovers the new hot trend ahead of the masses. I'll give a more detailed review when I finish these books.
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Tuesday, February 17, 2004
JUst breaking on NY1, Police Officer Richard Neri was NOT indicted for the fatal shooting of an unarmed teenager in Brooklyn last month. It remains to be seen what is in store for the city at this moment, but I see a revival of the Sharpton "long, hot summers" of the 1980's on the way. Judging by the expectations I've been reading about, it seems that the media, the politicians and the Police Department have all failed in educating the public about the differences between a criminal act and the "unjustified" soundbite comming from Commissioner Kelly. I have little sympathy for what happened here, and there is no place for Officer Neri in the Police Department, but the assumption that he would be given some show trial was never seriously challenged by any of the players. Now this burst expectation will be taken advantage of by this city's racial dividers.
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Sunday, February 08, 2004
I saw GWB on Meet the Press this morning. I didn't think he came off that well. He seemed tired and distracted.
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Thursday, February 05, 2004
A federal district judge has just ruled that former Buckeye running back Maurice Clarett is eligible for this spring's NFL draft. Whether this ruling is a proper interpretation of antitrust law remains to be seen since the NFL has already announced it is appealing. I shudder to think about the potential impact this has for professional football. The NFL will be filled with immature me-first underage players and become a mess just like the NBA. There are a couple of different outcomes possible. The NFL could sign players out of high school and create a farm system to develop them like MLB. This would effectively destroy college football. Read the story here.
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Tuesday, February 03, 2004
Jackson Nipplewatch. Did anyone else find the Kid Rock American flag poncho dance as offensive as Ms Jackson's ornamented lactation appendage? Maybe it's just me, but I haven't seen one commentator express outrage. Sure, a couple of remarks alongside the aereole anger, but frankly what's left of the alpha male in me would much rather see the nipple thing rather than Kid Rock prancing around in old glory. Now I realize people watch the game with their children and I am not encouraging the sort of nipple hjinks displayed during the big game, but is it such a PC world? Does one get branded a reactionary by expressing distaste at the inappropriate use of the flag?
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Martha Stewart Trial Update: Rosie O'Donnell appeared at the trial and held a press conference defending MS calling it "a tragedy and a travesty what the federal government has done." Celebrities in the law--of course! Just when I thought how great it was that hollywood celebrities repeatedly endorse political candidates (after all, when I analyze government policy, I usually seek the opinion of an actor--doesn't everyone?). Now we can also have celebrity pronouncements in our legal system. And I thought the jury system was fair as is! Click here for the story.
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The Base10 Bio
A little about myself:
1. I work for a large (but an unnamed by me) metropolitan police department. I do research and analytical work.
2. I am an attorney, (a Fordham Law graduate) and I live in New York. (Hope I didn't give away (1)).
3. I have a public administration degree from the Kennedy School at Harvard.
4. I consider myself conservative, but have been known to champion liberal causes occasionally. I am one of only a handful of registered Republicans in my neighborhood.
5. I like George W. Bush (really!), but he's acting more like a liberal every day.
6. I read Instapundit and Easterblogg every day. The more I read in the blogosphere, the more I want to read more, but these guys started me.
7. Ultimately, I'd like to set up real web hosting, but Blogspot seems like a good start.
8. I'm also a Jets fan, but please don't hold it against me, rather let your hearts fill with compassion. (Wait 'till next season!)
9. I really agonized over whether to do anonymous blogging or not. Unfortunately, I believe that my career might suffer if I openly reveal my identity. I have a great deal of respect for both the Police Commissioner and the Mayor, but that does not mean they are always right or are immune from public comment. That being said, it is also unseemly for a public servant to openly criticize his boss. The anonymous posting seems to be the best compromise. So it seems I will remain a crime fighter by day but will protect my secret identity as a blogger by night!
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It's a great day to begin a blog...Janet Jackson's breast, a rather scary ricin incident in DC and possibly Connecticut, and certainly not least of all--the Martha Stewart trial.