Tuesday, February 17, 2004
JUst breaking on NY1, Police Officer Richard Neri was NOT indicted for the fatal shooting of an unarmed teenager in Brooklyn last month. It remains to be seen what is in store for the city at this moment, but I see a revival of the Sharpton "long, hot summers" of the 1980's on the way. Judging by the expectations I've been reading about, it seems that the media, the politicians and the Police Department have all failed in educating the public about the differences between a criminal act and the "unjustified" soundbite comming from Commissioner Kelly. I have little sympathy for what happened here, and there is no place for Officer Neri in the Police Department, but the assumption that he would be given some show trial was never seriously challenged by any of the players. Now this burst expectation will be taken advantage of by this city's racial dividers.
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