Tuesday, February 03, 2004
The Base10 Bio
A little about myself:
1. I work for a large (but an unnamed by me) metropolitan police department. I do research and analytical work.
2. I am an attorney, (a Fordham Law graduate) and I live in New York. (Hope I didn't give away (1)).
3. I have a public administration degree from the Kennedy School at Harvard.
4. I consider myself conservative, but have been known to champion liberal causes occasionally. I am one of only a handful of registered Republicans in my neighborhood.
5. I like George W. Bush (really!), but he's acting more like a liberal every day.
6. I read Instapundit and Easterblogg every day. The more I read in the blogosphere, the more I want to read more, but these guys started me.
7. Ultimately, I'd like to set up real web hosting, but Blogspot seems like a good start.
8. I'm also a Jets fan, but please don't hold it against me, rather let your hearts fill with compassion. (Wait 'till next season!)
9. I really agonized over whether to do anonymous blogging or not. Unfortunately, I believe that my career might suffer if I openly reveal my identity. I have a great deal of respect for both the Police Commissioner and the Mayor, but that does not mean they are always right or are immune from public comment. That being said, it is also unseemly for a public servant to openly criticize his boss. The anonymous posting seems to be the best compromise. So it seems I will remain a crime fighter by day but will protect my secret identity as a blogger by night!
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