Collectivism Anyone?
Eric Haas has a piece on Hufpo about SCHIP and the evil insurance companies. We can pretty much assume anything on the Huffington Post is going to be devoid of economic content, but this is so over the top it's not even funny. To get a sense:
But the huge profits are killing health care. We all know that now.
Profit-maximizing insurance companies are bad economics. They make money by denying care, which is a terrible way to try to keep us healthy. And, profit-maximizing health insurance does more harm than that. It is also killing our sense of community. It pits us one against another to get the limited number of insurance policies, strangling the trust and cooperation we need to thrive. If we can't come together when we need each other most--when we're sick, injured or dying--without our vulnerability being used as an opportunity to maximize profits, then the U.S. is a hollow shell. The community that makes our nation a family is dead.
Forget about competition forcing prices down. Forget about basic microeconomics. Forget about profit motivation as the reason that that happens. Forget about the fact that US spending on healthcare as a percentage of GDP is double that of coutries like Great Britain and Canada. All we need to do to solve the problem is to come together. And we all know this is the case.
I'm not saying that health care doesn't need reform, but let's start by engaging in serious debate.