Monday, June 11, 2007
Base10's Computer Adventure
Base10's main home computer is, if not quite dead, is definitely under hospice care with a do-not resuscitate order stapled to it's power cord. He is exploring options and will keep a series of posts about it. First, Base10 is a gadget freak. And aside from Mrs. Base10's mac, has two other windows based computers: a Toshiba Libretto UMPC and a somewhat dated Fujitsu slate tablet. Neither of these machines is top-of the line in terms of computing power, but then again that's not exactly what I need. The real problem is that while both of them have niche uses (I use the tablet for reading pdf files and the notepad feature as well web surfing while I mostly carry around the Libretto since it is so small. However, you can't type on the Libretto.
I am leaning toward buying a mac-mini since it has the intel processor and can run Windows, OSX and Linux. Time for some experimentation. I'll keep up a series of posts about my adventures.