Thursday, February 08, 2007
The Long Night Begins...
Base10 has entered his annual depression at the end of football season. Sure there's the Pro Bowl on Saturday, but that's the post-coital snuggling of sports. All in all, it was a pretty good Superbowl. Although outclassed, the Bears remained in the game until the 4th quarter. Not shabby. Bears fans have a season to be proud of, even if they didn't win the big game. The biggest question mark is, of course, the fate of Rex Grossman. If Chicago can prevent losing most of that great defense to free-agency, a QB that can move the ball more consistently may be the only key for them to win the championship.

Base10 was rooting for Tony Dungy, the all around nice guy of sports. I always thought Dungy got robbed of a Superbowl when Jon Gruden basically took Dungy's team to the big game (haven't seen much of Gruden in the playoffs since, eh?) back in Tampa Bay. The Colts still have a problem with their cover-your-eyes awful defense, but even that unit stepped up to play with the elite teams in the playoffs. Payton Manning? Sure he won the big game finally. But let's face facts, Payton Manning is a first ballot Hall of Famer anyway. Can he make any more commercials?
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