Wednesday, December 13, 2006
The Best Thing About Obama
Barack Obama seems to be the Democratic frontrunner for 2008 this week. Which basically translates to, "We in the media will love you for a week but will set you up to crash and burn by next summer."

I wonder... If Obama does do well in the primaries, will Hillary be forced to commit to him as vice-president? That would be interesting. America may be ready for a woman as president or a black person. But is America ready for the double whammy?

Of course the Republican situation is even worse. Right now Rudy is in front, but remember, Base10 would vote for Howard Dean beore he'd vote for Rudy Giuliani. At least McCain doesn't ave to worry about the vice-presidential issue since Rudy is such an egomaniac that he would never consent to being second fiddle.

Seriously, the only thing that could drive Base10 to financially support and volunteer time to the Democrats would be a Giuliani run. When all is said and done though, I don't think Rudy is going to take it. Remember, aside from gun control, the gay rights thing and endorsing Mario Cuomo over George Pataki, there's also the marriage to his cousin, the ugly divorce with Donna Hanover, and--our personal fovorite--the albatross around his neck that is Bernard Kerik. I love presidential campaigns!

Not that McCain inany better. Frankly his use of the media over the last couple of months borders on the "w____" word. Personally, I'd like to see Newt Gingrich get the nod--just because he would keep his Democratic opponents intellectually honest when they start to resort to sound-bite politics. In any event, 2008 is a long time away.
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