Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Nobel Laureate News
An interesting thing happened to Base10 yesterday. On Tuesdays Base10 takes a seminar in economics class. The class provides a forum for visiting professors to present papers to students and faculty and get feedback. Anyway, we're supposed to read the paper before hand and write questions for the professor that runs the class. All well and good, but Monday morning I'm reading the news and there is an announcement that Edmund Phelps, an economics professor at Columbia, had just won the Nobel Prize. The name rang a bell--low and behold, it was the presenter this week.
He actually showed up. So Base10 got to meet a Nobel laureate yesterday.
If you'd like to learn more about Prof. Phelps ideas, you can read this op-ed piece in the WSJ. I dare say that the Nobel committee might not agree with Prof. Phelps opinions.