Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Islamic Terrorists...In Canada?
Following closely on the heels of a controversial London raid on a terrorist group, Canadian authorities arrested seventeen people involved in a terrorist plot to blow up several Canadian locations and even behead the Prime Minister. They had three tons of ammonium nitrate in their possession. (As a comparison, the Oklahoma City bombing used one ton).
Of course, thre will always be some nut cases who don't see a threat in three tons of ammonium nitrate. I suppose they just wanted to become farmers.
Caroline Glick has a terrific piece in the Jerusalem Post about the media description of the event. To quote:
Allegedly spurred on by images of conflict in Iraq and Afghanistan, and angered by what they saw as the mistreatment of Muslims at home, they became increasingly aggressive in their beliefs, according to media reports.
This is how London's Sunday Telegraph explained the decision of 17 Canadian Muslims to stockpile three tons of ammonium nitrate and plot acts of war against their country.
These men - all Muslims - who reportedly planned to blow up the headquarters of Canada's Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) in Toronto, are what Canadian officials refer to as "home-grown terrorists," and products of the "jihad generation." Before their arrests on Friday, they had never visited Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq or the Palestinian Authority. They chose the path of jihad in the streets and mosques of Toronto. They learned how to build bombs from the Internet. They trained for their mission in a training camp in Ontario.
Like the Telegraph, most media reports claim that these men were prompted to wage a war against their country because they believe that their fellow Canadians are launching war against Islam. But why would they think this?
Canadians are outspoken in their anti-Americanism. They have contributed generously to the Palestinians. It only took the Canadian government a few weeks after the Palestinian elections to announce it would fund a Hamas-led PA. Canadians overwhelmingly oppose the US-led war in Iraq and President George W. Bush.
Ms. Glick's article is a great read and is frankly a true description of why liberal elites cannot see the true threat to western freedoms.