Monday, May 08, 2006
Will Democrats Take Over the House?
The short answer, probably not.
John Fund has an interesting article in the Journal today about Republican prospects for losing the House. To quote:
Despite such [bad GOP poll] numbers, analysts caution that a GOP wipeout in November is unlikely. Polls of generic support for the major parties are notoriously unreliable as a predictor. In 1996, Democrats enjoyed a 14-point advantage over Republicans in congressional races only two months before the election. In the end, they gained only nine seats, and that was before sophisticated gerrymandering dramatically shrank the number of competitive districts and after Republicans won some heavily Democratic districts in 1994. Jonathan Last, a columnist for the Philadelphia Inquirer, also reminds us that "Democrats have shown time and again that they can blow a lead like nobody's business."
The House is the Republicans to lose. Let's hope they wake up. We need realistic immigration reform. We need spending discipline. We need permanent tax cuts. Otherwise, the GOP will be putting the can in Republican.