The President
The more I read about how the Democrats are poised to take over Congress in '06 and the Presidency in '08, the more I'm convinced that it will not happen. Lord knows, I have faulted the Bush administration on a number of things, but the chief concern is communication. On everything from the war in Iraq, the economy, taxes and immigration, you guys stand on the right side of history. Why did you stop trying to convince ordinary Americans of this?
But I'm not convinced Bush is done. Iraq is poised for change--hopefully for the better. The economy is absolutely humming along with unemployment down to 4.7%--a modern low. (The fact that the Times and WAPO ignored this story should tell you that the recent Bureau of Labor Statistics numbers were universally good). While this will probably cause more interest rate tightening, it is getting harder to deny the growth period we are in. While extension of the Bush tax cuts have so far failed, watch this become a contentious issue in '08.
What will Bush do? If Iraq doesn't get bad, I think he's going to come storming back with a big issue that will capture American hearts and minds. The replacement of Andy Card is just the first step. I think the President should also shed some weight by getting rid of Rumsfeld. Appointing a dynamic figure to head defense would definitely score some points.
Anyway, I'd be careful of the President. There just might be some life left in him.