High Price of Gas
Judging by the Sunday talk shows, the Democtratic meme of the week will be high prices at the pump. This is not, or course, because of American avarice for oil. Nor is it because of the immutable laws of supply and demand, even though China and India are sucking up crude at thew well head for $72 a barrel. Nor is it because of alack of refining capacity, since the US hasn't added to this capacity for many years.
What, therefore, is causing high gas prices? President Bush, of course. He and Karl Rove personally called every gas station in America and told them what the price of gas was going to be. I suppose, in one way you could blame Bush. His policies helped create the worldwide economic boom that has caused this increased demand. You see, for the Democrats to admit market forces are keeping gas high, they have to give up on the idea that the economy is in ruins.
Maybe that's far fetched about Bush and Rove. It's really the big oil companies. Once again corporate America is squeezing the little guy dry. Just look at the outrageous pension given to the retirwed CEO of Exxon. (Don't allow for the fact that he worked for them for over forty years and saved them from bankrupcy). It's big oil, I tell you.
The worrisome thing, is this is exactly what some pundits are saying. Roland Smith (on local NYC evening news) made exactly this claim about big oil. Juan Williams on Fox News Sunday pedantcally proclaimed that the high price of gas has "nothing to do with supply and demand." Such ignorance of basic economic principles is stunning.
Besides, if gas prices are high, that means people will drive less, which will reduce greenhouse gases and alleviate global warming. Right?