General Anxiety
Base10 thinks he should weigh in on the retired general's criticism of Donald Rumsfeld. First, let me say, Base10 is no great fan of Rumsfeld. He should have gone to the home for retired Defense Secretaries a long time ago. He has been a lightening rod for criticism of the President--not all of which is completely undeserved.
That being said, where do you get off waiting until after you are safely retired to speak out? Base10 thinks it's quite cowardly. If you are an officer and you seriously think that the Secretary is needlessly endangering the lives of our soldiers, why did you have to wait for retirement to speak out? Your pension or future promotional opportunities outweigh this? The question must be asked, if you claims are true, why didn't you raise holy hell in front of Congress?
I'm sure Rumsfeld is a difficult guy to work for. But transformational leaders often are. And he did no less than transfor the way that agency does business.