At Least I'm Not Duke
Base10 just finished his last midterm. Let's just say, that this one didn't go so well either. Perhaps comparing myself to Duke is unfair. Duke crashed and burned when expectations for them were quite high. Base10 never had these high expectations.
In any event, it's over for now and I can get back to important things like blogging. But first, Base10 is going to stop and watch the NCAA Basketball Championship. Who shall Base10 root for? Bear in mind this will mean that this team is doomed to failure. In this case, Base10 likes the Gators.
Speaking of sports, the Mets won their season opener against the Nationals today 3-2. Glavine pitched well, Billy Wagner closed without the usual nailbiting theatrics and Xavier Nady--the new guy--went four-for-four in hits in his first game as a Met. Not too shaby!
Base is thinking of buying himself a toy tomorrow for all his trouble. A toy in the form of a Zeiss lens. Will post more if I do.
One of the more frustrating things about my performance today was the feeling going though my study process that I actually was starting to get the mathematical aspect of the material. It's slow going but I made quite a bit of progress. I think I can do a lot better for the finals. This stuff isn't rocket science--oh wait--sometimes it is.