Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Leica Envy

Base10 visited Photo Village over the weekend to buy a couple of accessories for his Bessa. The nice young man let me fondle hold a Leica MP. Ooooooh, sweet.

Okay, I want one. But I just can't see spending that kind of money on a 35mm film camera. Even the lenses, which are generally considered the best in their class, command a high premium from, say Cosina/Voigtlander lenses which maybe give 99% of the quality at one-third to one-tenth of the price. I think I will get one piece of really good glass, but other than that, I'll stick with the C/V's.

The plus about getting the Leica is that once you buy it, it retains its value in an unbelievable way. Sure, you'll pay the take-it-out-the-door premium, but as long as you don't wreck it, it'll retain about 80% of its value--even more if it's one of the more collectible models. The same goes for the lenses, although it seems the drop-off is steeper. Leica lenses of one or two generations back are downright affordable.

Base10 will keep his readers posted about his decision. Just don't tell Mrs. Base10.

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