Development--The Film Kind
Base10 plans to soup some test film tomorrow morning. He mixed his developer, stop bath and fixer and will develop a roll of 120 tomorrow morning. I'll probably expose some images around the neighborhood to work with. I don't want to do anything too good on my first try, but I want good examples of tonal range and contrast. I'm looking forward to it. It gives one an enormous sense of satisfaction to create something from scratch using your own two hands.
Getting this far was an effort in a way. Buying the chemicals was easy of course and Base10 still has to dig up his tank, reels and dark bag from the depths of his closet, but it was the little things that were hard. Base10 went out this morning to buy a graduate and a funnel, two seemingly ubiquitous household items. While I couldn't find a measuring device that was completely suitable, I did find a medicine measuring spoon that perfectly fits the bill. Finding a funnel was not so simple. I tried everywhere, even Sears! No luck until I went to Bed Bath and Beyond where I was forced to buy the premium funnel "set." No matter. Tomorrow is film day. Base10 will post results if the photography gods don't ruin his first efforts.