Photo Thoughts
After two weeks and several rolls of film with the Bessa, Base10 has come to several conclusions. First, I really like the way Ilford and Tri-X film render images. Just stunning, particularly with the Cosina/Voigtlander lenses. While it can't compare to medium format, these particular lens/film combinations are very good.
Second, 35mm photography is not so bad. I have denigrated it in the past, but it is fun. I also don't think it's quite dead yet either. While digital is convenient, it can only produce a tonal range of about 7 stops as opposed to film which can produce several stops more. Digital is more akin to slide film whose tonal range is closer.
Third, I've decided to start souping film, although maybe not right away. I figure I'll buy some chemicals and some containers. I have the tanks and reels. The chemicals can be mixed right before, so the only issue if really the temperature of the developer. I think I even have a dark bag. This might get a little hectic between work and school, but hey, what does it take to process one or two tanks.