Off to Work
Base10 is riding the subway into work on what can only be described as a balmy Monday moning here in New York City. Base10 managed to get in some posts before leaving and unfortunately will likely be busy later.
Base10 has much academic things to do. He is psyched about the pospect of returning to the doctoral economics program but realizes he must do some major preparatrions--particularly his mathematical skills. Hey, it's one thing knowing rudimentary calculus, it is quite another explaining constrained optimization using a bordered Hessian with derivatives and matrix algebra. I also have to brush up on basic models in Micro- and Macro-. And I mean basic in the PhD sense. The ones you first get hit with in class like the seven equation Keynesian macro model.
Anyway, I'm looking forward to it. I'll be taking advanced micro and macro theory this spring. Next semester, I'll take the two-part cycle in advanced econometrics. If I can take a finance course and a course in economic history along with that, I'll have most of my required credits. With any luck I can take the first comps in the fall.
Anyway, things to work on:
- differential equations and phase diagrams.
- constrained optimization.
- calculus of variations.
- linear programming.
- optimal control theory.
Base10 predicts that he will become quite boring in the coming months.