Last Night
Base10 took off a little early yesterday to meet Mrs. Base10 who was off for the holiday. We had a pretty good time. Before it got dark, Base10 managed to get some grand shots of the Brooklyn and Manhattan bridges where they meet in Brooklyn. These were taken with the Mamiya 7ii and will probably be available for posting in the near future.
Afterwards, Mrs. Base10 and I had dinner at Theresa, a polish restaurant on 1st. Ave. It was, unfortunately, not as good as I remember.
Highlighting the evening was a visit to DBA's, a beer bar also on 1st. DBA's is one of the few bars in NYC that has handdrawn ales and is a virtual temple for fine beers. Anyway, we had a couple of "Old Slug Porters" that were handdrawn and absolutely delicious. Unfortunately, after the second one it felt like nap time. Good stuff.