Monday, December 12, 2005
White Flag Republicans?
Ralph Peters thinks the Republicans may be just as bad as the Democrats with regard to the shrill cries for troop withdrawal. He predicts that the troop levels will be below 100,000 in Iraq before the midterm elections regardless of the situation on the ground. And he thinks this is unspeakably bad policy for the Administration. Partisan politics over troop levels are just as odious when used by the Republicans as when used by the Democrats.
Perhaps we'll legitimately be able to draw down our forces below 100,000 by next summer. If so, we'll all be delighted. But if the situation continues to demand 120,000 troops or more, we need to focus on the mission — not on election-year special effects. Defeating terrorists is far more important than defeating Democrats (who are perfectly capable of defeating themselves).
Winning House and Senate seats but losing Iraq wouldn't be a victory for anybody in America — no matter which party gained. If the administration makes troop reductions based purely on political calculations, the Republicans will deserve to lose.
Support our troops and bring them home — when Iraqi forces are on their feet. And not one hour before.
Iraq matters. Far more than the fate of Rep. Grababuck.