Wednesday, December 21, 2005
Transit Strike - Day 2
Base10 rode his bike into work today, but must admit that it started out as a disaster. I left the house about 8:30 this morning and decided to take the road bike today instead of the mountain bike after yesterday's disaster. So I bring the road bike over to the gas station to fill the tires. After tearing apart my bag, I find that I do not have a presta-to-schrader converter. Now I had used the converter in this exact same spot yesterday! After diligently searching my bag, I walked the bike back home. If you're a cyclist, you collect these adapters--mainly because you keep losing them. Anyway, after some searching through the house, I find another one and I'm ready to set off again. Back I go to the gas station. I diligently looses the valves on my tires and low and behold, siting on the ground is a presta-to-schrader converter--presumably the one I had yesterday. Joy.
So at least now I'm on the road but I've lost at least a half-hour. I travel up Queens Boulevard but traffic is awful. Even the parking lanes have been cleared and this leaves little room for a bicycle. (I for one do not like riding between lanes. It's very dangerous). So anyway, I decide to take this route to travel to Brooklyn along Grand Avenue in Queens. This will lead me to the Metropolitan Avenue Bridge into Greenpoint then Williamsburg then over the Williamsburg Bridge into work. Well, Base10 is the first to admit that he's not in the greatest of shape, but after much wheezing and puffing, he made it to the East River crossing. Thankfully, the north approach is now open. The southern approach is infinitely steeper. Even so, as I was starting the ascent several kids blew by me. Show-offs! Anyway, it is a long climb and if you don't have the right kind of bike or you don't know how to change gears it is still very hard. These same kids had to dismount at the top of the incline and walk their bikes. Ha ha!
In any event, I didn't get into work too late and I must admit that I enjoyed the ride. Except for the fact that my toes are freezing. My road bike takes lock-in cleats and these aren't really designed for cold-weather use. I have to get a pair of booties. I also have to get a cycling yarmulke. I don't have the hair on top to keep my head warm anymore.
So there's the story of my commute. We'll see how it goes at night going home.
As for the strike, it's still going and is now in its second day. There are a few developments:
First, a judge has ordered the union to pay $1 million per day fines. That's going to add up quick!
Second, The International TWU has distanced itself from the NYC Local. This may be an attempt to avoid being fined themselves rather than a difference in doctrine, but they are pressuring the union to submit to arbitration.
Third, the MTA has declared an impasse and is seeking arbitration themselves. An arbitrator would simply give the union the pattern other city workers are getting, so you know that the rank and file is not going to be happy about Roger Toussaint decision to strike if that is the case.
Fourth, it does not appear that the two sides are even talking. But look at this interesting analysis as to why the union and the MTA may not be that far apart.
More later, in case there are developments.