Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Tookie's Going Down

To hell that is. If you've been following the story Stanley "Tookie" Williams was executed this morning. Williams was the founder of the Crips street gang and was convicted of four murders in 1981. Now, twenty-four years later, the California criminal justice system is having its day. Yesterday, the Governator denied Tookies plea for clemency and the US Supreme Court denied his final appeal.

Many, many on the left and especially in the entertainment industry have come forward in defense of Tookie. He reformed in prison, they say. He took to writing children's books and engaging in advocacy against gangs.

Such activities may matter when Tookie met his maker this morning. But that is not the concern of the living. Tookie murdered four people in particularly brutal fashion. He never admitted to his crimes or apologized to the families of his victims. He never provided law enforcement with any information about the Crips. Shrill cries that he is innocent not withstanding, the evidence against Tookie is massive and credible. Tookie deserves to pay the ultimate price for his crimes. That it took twenty-four years is another issue.

Sometimes I think the left is its own worst enemy when it comes to capital punishment. One can make many legitimate if not compelling arguments against it. (For the record, Base10 favors the death penalty). While I won't go into these arguments here, the one argument you shouldn't count on is making Tookie Williams the poster-boy for the cause. This only serves to allienate those in the mainstream that might be sympathetic to your legitimate arguments.

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