Friday, December 16, 2005
This is Funny
Robert F. Kennedy (not one of those Kennedys, I think) has an unintentionally funny op-ed in the NY Times today. He is an environmentalist but he is complaining about the proposal to build massive wind farm turbines off the coast of Cape Cod by a company called Cape Wind. A quote:
Cape Wind's proposal involves construction of 130 giant turbines whose windmill arms will reach 417 feet above the water and be visible for up to 26 miles. These turbines are less than six miles from shore and would be seen from Cape Cod, Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket. Hundreds of flashing lights to warn airplanes away from the turbines will steal the stars and nighttime views. The noise of the turbines will be audible onshore. A transformer substation rising 100 feet above the sound would house giant helicopter pads and 40,000 gallons of potentially hazardous oil.
According to the Massachusetts Historical Commission, the project will damage the views from 16 historic sites and lighthouses on the cape and nearby islands. The Humane Society estimates the whirling turbines could every year kill thousands of migrating songbirds and sea ducks.

While Mr. Kennedy obviously has a great love for the Cape, his arguments are completely NIMBY-based and are representative of the hypocrisy on the part of the enviros. If not in your backyard, whose?
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