Friday, December 09, 2005
Snow in the City

Base10 is on his way to work on a snowy Friday morning. He is contemplating stopping by Adorama to buy a couple of things (since he got his new Speed Graphic delivered) but will see how the rest of his commute goes. It is snowing, after all.

We got a couple of inches overnight, but it seems to have changed to rain. It looked quite ominous in the early morning hours with snow falling in a red sky.

Snow has an odd effect on New York. Perfectly normal people see a dusting and it makes them act like they're going on a polar expedition. Mrs. Base10 actually asked if we should stock up on milk this morning. Sure honey. The city might be closed tomorrow. We don't even drink milk. This is completely opposite from Base10's experience living in Boston. Boston usually gets socked with way more snow than we do, but the residents are completely nonplussed by it. A two-footer storm is not considered a big deal. Just wear your extra warm hat.

New York does have its charm in the snow, though. The city is breathtakingly beautiful for about five minutes after a snowfall. After that, let's just say the scene tends to degrade in proportion to the time from the storm's end.

Base10 will try to post more later.

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