Saturday, December 10, 2005
Maybe There's Some Good News in Iraq
Thankfully, many people don't agree with the assessment of the National Journal. For example:

Fred Kagan at the Weekly Standard thinks that we are much closer to victory in Iraq than most Americans think.

William F. Buckley reports that a recent report by the Business Executives for National Security on their visit to Iraq. They found measurable improvement but significant work to do. Buckley concludes:
What is required is the kind of assurance that is generated by the morale of the military. We learn that the U.S. re-enlistment rate is substantially above the goal. What would destroy that morale is any sense that the American government will not stay the course. The operative assumption is that the United States can be relied on until the elections of 2008. The challenge is to restore order in Iraq and to maintain order in the United States.

Via RCP.
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