Wednesday, December 21, 2005
Kofi Annan Proud of Sudan Genocide
Not exactly, but apparently Kofi Annan's biggest regret is that he did not prevent the Iraqi war, at least according to this Reuters report:
"If I go back in recent years, one thing I would have liked to see ... is for us to have done everything that we could have done to avoid a war in Iraq that has brought such division within this organization and the international community," Annan said.
"And that is one thing that I must say still haunts me and bothers me that, as an organization, as an international community, we were not able to do."
I guess he's okay with overseeing if not participating in the oil-for-food scandal--the single largest financial scandal in history, or the Sudanese genocide, or his failure to do anything at all about the Rwandan genocide when he was the head of UN peacekeeping. This is really the only thing you need to know about Kofi Annan.