Sunday, December 18, 2005
Harry Reid Approves Domestic Spying, Calls for Prosecution of Leak!
Well, maybe not in those words, but he did do it, sort of. On Fox News Sunday, Reid talked about the domestic spying scandal involving the National Security Agency. While Reid repeatedly said he was shocked, shocked that a spy agency well, spied on people, after dogged questioning by Mike Wallace he did admit that he was informed about the program by the administration months ago. Presumably, he decided to wait for a story in the NY Times before he thought to air his Constitutional objections. Interestingly, when confronted by Wallace about whether this leak should be investigated, Reid stated a criminal investigation should be conducted as to who leaked this information. After Valerie Plame, even Democrats must realize that they sound like complete hypocrites is they say anything otherwise.
On another note, Reid and the rest of the Democrats will probably regret the press conference where he bluntly stated that "We have just killed the Patriot Act" in front of the cameras.