Good Morning
It is another frigid morning in NYC and Base10 is on his way to work. The Transit workers are threatening a strike when their contract expires on Thursday night. If it comes to that, I suspect they would not go out Friday, but would instead go out Monday morning. Base10 suspected the strike will not happen. Unfortunately, given the lock on collective bargaining, there is no other way to prompt the MTA into settling the contract in a timely fashion. (Base10 has been without a contract for three years--he can't strike). The Transit workers probably will do on Friday is engage in a "rules" slowdown--using rigid applications of work rules to delay service--to fire a shot across the bow of the MTA and make a strike threat more credible in the public's mind. As they up the rhetoric over the weekend, the MTA will be under increased pressure to settle. Whatever happens, Mr. And Mrs. Base10 always have our bicycles. But it's cold out there!