Friday, November 18, 2005
Michael Barone Takes on WAPO and the CIA
Michael Barone, considered by Base10 to be the smartest guy in American politics, has some thoughts on the revelation that Bob Woodward knew Valerie Plame's identity before the timeline anounced by special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald. He notes what is shaping up to be a dispute in the Post's newsroom:
But you could see this as a sort of partisan dispute. Woodward's reporting on George W. Bush, as is evident in his books, is seen by many critics as pro-Bush. In my view, he has taken Bush at face value, describing how the president makes decisions and taking Bush's own words seriously. Which is, in my view, the way it should be. Pincus's reporting, on the other hand, has relied heavily on critics of the Bush policies, including, it appears, sources in the CIA. It is obvious that cadres in the CIA—the folks around Valerie Plame who sent Joseph Wilson on his mission to Niger, the folks who authorized the publication of Michael Scheuer's "anonymous" book—have been trying to discredit and undermine support for Bush's policy of liberating Iraq. I suspect that Pincus takes the same view, though he could argue that his reporting was justified regardless of his own views: He was just reporting what others, with some knowledge of what they were talking about, were saying. I don't want to say that Woodward is pro-Bush and Pincus anti-Bush. But I can see how readers who don't know these men as well as I do would so conclude.

Barone goes on:
Bob Woodward first won his fame by exposing the lies of a White House that had attempted, unsuccessfully, to use the CIA to refute charges that its campaign committee had engaged in criminal activities. Now he comes forward, reluctantly it seems, to provide evidence that advances the case that the CIA tried to derail and delegitimize the policies that a White House was pursuing.

I recall that some years ago Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan argued that the CIA should be abolished, and I argued that that was a ridiculous and irresponsible position. As usual when Pat and I disagreed, Pat turned out to be right.

Is the CIA out of control?
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