Saturday, October 29, 2005
White House Strategy - VDH Style!
Victor Davis Hansen thinks the administration should go on a policy offensive since it's better to go down fighting than to die by a thousand cuts. He suggests appointing a hard-core conservative in the mold of Scalia to the court and starting a serious program of education for the American people explaining why we should fight the good fight in Iraq.
On the latter point:
It is also time to step up lecturing both the American people and the Iraqis on exactly what we are doing in the Sunni Triangle. We have been sleepwalking through the greatest revolutionary movement in the history of the Middle East, as the U.S. military is quietly empowering the once-despised Kurds and Shiites — and along with them women and the other formerly dispossessed of Iraq. In short, the U.S. Marine Corps has done more for global freedom and social justice in two years than has every U.N. peacekeeping mission since the inception of that now-corrupt organization.
Good stuff, as always.