Friday, October 14, 2005
Is Harriet Miers a Judicial Bernard Kerik?
Maybe not, but Jonah Goldberg thinks that conservatives are suffering from "Miers Mental Dementia Obsessive Hysteria (Mm'Doh!)" and should maybe wait for the hearings. Goldberg writes:
The syndrome seems to cause disorientation, sudden irrelevant or counter-productive outbursts — about religion or loyalty, for example — and even strange paranoid delusions in which a perfidious cabal of right-wing "elitists" at the Federalist Society — as opposed to the Cheez Wiz-sucking Joe Six-Packs who really make up its rank and file — are secretly trying to prevent female corporate lawyers of the evangelical faith from being anything but moms, schoolmarms or, uh, White House counsels. "This far and no farther!" declare the Federalist phantasms, "keep 'em barefoot and in the West Wing."