Friday, September 09, 2005
New iPod

Base10 is in the market for a portable media player. Basically, I want something to hold all my digital photos. I am however torn between the Epson P-2000 and waiting for the Archos AV500. The Archos model will be available in a 100 gig model (you could store all your porn on one portable drive!) while the Epson supports RAW mode photo viewing--a must for photography.

Base10 considered an iPod, but I don't think you get enough for your money. The current 60 gig iPod goes for $600. While you can view photos on it, it's basically just an Hitachi hard drive. You could get an Archos Gmini for about $350 with better features.

That being said, Apple just announced the iPod Nano. It's a flash based MP3 player that boasts long battery life, and a form factor about the size of five business cards stacked together. There's supposed to be a four gig model in the offing. It is a sleek little device, but once again, your paying for design over tech.

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