Friday, September 16, 2005
Friday Photo Blogging

munibuilding, originally uploaded by base10blog.

These are some snaps from around work. Nothing overly artsy, mind you. This is the view west on Chambers Street looking through the center of the Municipal Building. The Municipal Building is a wonderful example of neo-classical architecture. If you'd like to learn more about it, click here. I may work on this one a bit more, to try to recover some detail in the sunny parts.

onepoliceplaza, originally uploaded by base10blog.

This is the view of Police Headquarters from the south side of the Brooklyn Bridge. Note the selenium toning to the sky.

fivepoints, originally uploaded by base10blog.

This is the other side of Police Headquarters. This is the heart of Chinatown, but once long ago it was one of the most infamous places in New York City history known as "Five Points." Crime-ridden and having a somewhat different street layout, five streets met there to for what looked like a five-pointed star. Each street also marked where one gang's territory bordered all the others. If you'd like to know more about Five Points, click here.

larouch1, originally uploaded by base10blog.

Of course, no trip downtown can be had without spotting some crazy people. Here are some Larouchies demonstrating in front of the Tweed Courthouse.

larouch2, originally uploaded by base10blog.

The guy actually wanted to talk to me after I took his picture. Why are these dinosaurs still around? What crazy junk do these people believe? The last time I read something written by Lyndon Larouch it was indecipherable and blamed our current problems on the Scottish Enlightenment. Huh?

You do take some really neat pics... I like them. And the B&W are great!!
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