Friday, August 19, 2005

While I may write more on these topics, here goes:

- Cindy Sheehan. Idiot. I wouldn't normally say that to anyone who lost a loved one at war. By turning this into a personal antiwar crusade you degrade the memory of your son. You're the one who entered the political realm. You have to face the consequenses. Idiot.

- United Nations. Couldn't you just predict that Kofi Annan would scapegoat Benon Sevan? And can any more of the Secretary-General's family get implicated and he still remain "vindicated?"

- The Economy. Good. No caveats. No "buts." The economy is humming along at a little over 3% real GDP growth. How great is that?

- The Deficit. Better. Mainly due to the Bush tax cuts that spurred growth, increased the size of GDP and therefore increased tax revenues. The deficit's size is well within its historic percentage of GDP. Plus, the deficit picture will get even rosier if spending in Iraq is reduced.

- Social Security. When will Washington start paying attention to Social Security? Base10 is nearing retirement from the police force. He needs to know. Baby boomers start to retire in 2008. That's just the first wave. Base10 is a tweener: born in the mid-sixeties at the very end of the baby boom. I consider myself a boomer socially. The earliest year that Base10 will be eligible to collect the reduced payments from Social Security is 2031. This is only a few short years before benefits are projected to be reduced by 33% if nothing is done. Washington, get a move on!

- NYC's Mayoral Election. In what is turning out to be a complete snoozer of a race, in case anybody cares, some people are running against Michael Bloomberg. None of the Democrats have anywhere near the stature of Bloomberg. The only way he loses is if he's found in bed with a little boy. Even then he may win. Who is a threat? Fernando Ferrer? Loser. Gifford Miller? Lightweight. C Virginia Fields? Race-baiter. Come on!

- Air Enron. While this story is now on the news radar, where is the outrage?

- Able Danger. Is this story true? Did a Defense intelligence group identify Mohammed Atta and other 9/11 bombers in 2000 as being members of an al Qaeda cell? Were they prevented from passing this information on to the FBI because of hypertechnical interpretations of the Posse Commitatus Act by the Clinton administration? Was the person responsible for this decision Jamie Gorelick--a Democratic member of the Commission? Is this what Sandy Berger was doing when he stuck documents down his pants and snuck them out of the national archives? Even if this story isn't true--and the jury is certainly still out--it is the best conspiracy theory to come along in years. It ranks right up there with Farenheit 9/11.

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