Friday, August 12, 2005
Medium Format Photos
As promised, here are some photos that I took with the Yashicamat TLR. Some of these photos may look familiar if you are a frequent reader. Look here for similar shots taken digitally with a point-and-shoot. These shots were taken either downtown, in Union Square Park and its environs or in Juniper Valley Park in Queens. Bear in mind the images that you see are far smaller and less detailed than the files that I have. The detail is striking though, even in the lower resolution jpegs.

This image is from Union Square. It is a closeup of the black freize on the central flagpole in the park. I was very surprised that the image came out so well. The sculpture is jet black and this was a very sunny day, so I was afraid of glare (there is a little at the top right since this is cylindrical--not flat). It is cropped slightly from the original.

This image is from the inside of the Old Town Bar on 18th Street. It is an ambient light photograph made at low shutter speeds. I like the image but do not care for the glare. This is due to, I think, not using a lens hood.

This is the first picture I took when I brought the twin lens out of mothballs. This was also taken at Union Square.

This was taken in front of the Appellate Division across the street from Union Square. Notice that the caption on the statue reads, "We Must Not Use Force Till Just Laws Are Defied." A good sentiment.

This image was taken at the small burial ground at Juniper Valley park. Although it looked similar to the cleaned-up image seen here, manually setting the exposure on the TLR resulted in a far better image from the start.

This is the northeast corner of Juniper Park. I don't like the way this came out. It would have been better with a yellow or red filter.

Here is some vegetation in Juniper. It's okay, but the picture doesn't do anything for me.

This was taken at City Hall Park in the late afternoon. Kind of your standard monument composition; nothing to write home about. I remember this was a very hazy day, too. This would have benefited from an orange or red filter.
I really like your pictures. Very poetic. The contrast is outstanding. Check out some of mine over at - you'll have to dig into the archives to see them.
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