Monday, August 29, 2005
Hurricane Katrina

Base10 was watching the coverage of hurricane Katrina this morning. It looks like New Orleans was spared from a full frontal assault, but will still suffer plenty of damage. New Orleans authorities had set up the Superdome as an emergency shelter for thos who couldn't evacuate. NBC had a reporter inside when the roof started to breach. Some portions of the roof opened up allowing rain to pour in. It was getting worse over the course of the hour I was watching.

New Orleans, of course, is not designed well for hurricanes. It is basically in a bowl that would essentially fill with water if hit by the storm head on. It looks like they ducked it this time, but there's going to be plenty of damage.

It looks like Louisiana and Mississippi will get the brunt of the damage. As another not-so-fun fact, 25% of the US oil supply comes from refineries in that area.

Base10's prayers go out all those effected by the storm.

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