Thursday, July 28, 2005
The Shootin' Range

Base10 had to go to the pistol range today. Rather than rising at some ungodly hour after the Mets stuffed Colorado (I hate 9PM starts), Base10 opted for the 3x11 tour to allow plenty of time to get to Rodman's Neck. Of historical note, Rodman's Neck is named after a local fellow named Rodman (surely not this one).

Random observations:

- You know your getting to retirement age when you stop running into people you know during your visit to the range.

- When you're young you get excited by shooting a gun--even if it's at a paper target. When you're old, it's just a pain in the ass.

- Getting to the Bronx is a pain as well. Being a dazzling urbanite, Base10 doesn't own a car. Whenever he goes to the range he has to rent a car. Not a horrible thing, but it's very hard to get here by train. (I actually biked it once from Queens, but I don't recommend this unless you're an experienced urban rider).

- Indeed, the outdoor range isn't what it used to be. In the olden days (you know, before we had newfangled automatic firearms), you could go to meal at City Island, eat a seafood dinner (or lunch as the case may be) and have a couple of beers. Those days are long over.

- So here we are. It looks like a fairly small group so far. Plans for today? Base10 will probably get out in time to watch a good proportion of the Mets game.

- Base10 will try to get some photos later if he can.

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