Friday, July 22, 2005
Not What You'd Expect in a Republican Neighborhood

Interesting. Base10 found this posted at John's Bar during his excursion this week. (Excuse the poor quality, I took it with the camera phone on the way out). This is definitely not what you'd expect to find in a heavily Republican area of Queens. Maybe Tom Ognibene is getting some momentum.

Then again, with NARAL's endorsement of Mayor Mike, can you really say that he's a Republican? Lame quote from the Times:
Naral's endorsement did seem to have one string attached: a strong statement by the mayor concerning President Bush's new Supreme Court nominee, Judge John G. Roberts.

Mr. Bloomberg did not go as far as the group did in criticizing Mr. Roberts, but he did say he would support him only if he gave "a clear indication that he accepts Roe v. Wade as the law of the land."

I'm certainly glad that the Mayor is so concerned with Judge Robert's position on this. It must mean there is a complete lack of other pressing concerns for the city.

UPDATE: I almost forgot. Boot Bloomberg has a website. It's quite professionally done, too.
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