Tuesday, July 19, 2005
Alternatives to Digital Backs

Base10 is still weighing the pros and cons of medium format photography. One thing I've noticed is that there is major cross-over between media types. For example, getting film developed is no longer just processing-and-proofs. You actually have quite a few options. If you're interested in putting stuff on the web, don't rule film out. Obviously, no matter what, film has to be processed, so you always have that mechanical stage to go through. Many labs will do this same day or overnight. Second, instead of traditional paper proofs or contact sheets, many labs offer a scanning option. Basically, you get you film developed and it's immediately digitized for use. You can even get cheaper digital proofs and prints from the image files. The pricing is also attractive, with processing and scanning going for maybe $11-15 per roll of 120.

For the more technically ambitious, you could also just get the film developed and scan then yourself. Base10 is never one to shy away from technology (especially if it saves $10,000 on a digital back), so this is certainly an option. The thing is, a good film scanner will set you back a bit. But even my existing flatbed scanner should be able to produce useable web images from 120 roll film. This is a good short term option and I may try it over the weekend. Base10 will be sure to post the results.

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