Adventures in Medium Format Photography
Bsae10 previously posted here about the resurrection of his photography hobby. Regarding the desire to buy a digital 35mm, Base10 is sure happy he waited and did some research. He was considering the Nikon D70 because of lens interoperability. No problem, I thought, the old lenses don't support autofocus. I would probably use manual mode anyway since I was never a big autofocus fan. But not only can you not use AF, there is no through-the-lens metering, either. Now this is a major snag. Unless you use separate metering--or have an incredibly good eye for exposure values--the lenses I have are not useable. So now I'm thinking about getting the Canon 20D. Good quality. Good price. Lenses are attractively priced. You can get it in a kit with the body and a 17-85 lens. Not shabby considering all the features.
But Base10 still had the itch to take some pictures. In an effort to scratch that itch, Mr. And Mrs. Base10 did a little medium-format work Saturday afternoon. Base10 is no Ansel Adams or anything, but he does remember a thing or two, and Mrs. Base10 seemed to be a willing student. We used the Yashicamat twin-lens reflex with 120 TMax 400 ASA B&W film. Mrs. Base10's theme was flowers and we tried to find things fitting that (for the most part) in our travels.
Ah, the vagaries of the F-stop, depth of field, film and shutter. The Yashica is just a fun camera to work with. We didn't do anything fancy, just tried to get Mrs. Base10 accustomed to the exposure meter. I was actually quite surprised at her patience in composing a shot.
What? No photos for the blog? The obvious drawback of film photography is the lack of immediate gratification. Alas too, it looked like rain in the morning, so Base10 was scared away from Rockaway.
Finally, if Base10 had his druthers and money was no object, he would buy this package.