Tuesday, May 24, 2005
The End of Star Trek
Several commentators have remarked on the passing of Star Trek: Enterprise and lack of any Star Trek show currently on the air. For the best commentary seek out James Lileks. Click here for the mainstream version and here for the uber-geek version.

What do you get out of Star Trek and what should the series do? Simple. I want the next Star Trek to be more like Deep Space Nine and Babylon 5. I have a very simple set of rules culled from DS9 and B5, which the Star Trek creators should adhere to:

Where should Star Trek go? I say into the future. Trash the Federation. Let's see what happens one hundred years after it has fallen. The Federation created in TNG was uninteresting. If science fiction writers have created a universe centuries from now that involves space travel and contact with diverse aliens and it's boring, there is something wrong at the heart of the concept. Let's face it, utopias are boring. Making the Federation one in TNG was ultimately a mistake. Giving it some scales in DS9 made it watchable. Destroying it would make a good series.
I could not agree with your point on Realism and Treknobabble more. In Star Trek, the ultimate saving grace for humanity was its devotion to technology, and in a universe like this there's no room for human struggle. There's no room for sacrifice, loss, gain or even change. Everything has an undo button, and as such even basic things like character growth end up being stifled. Nobody dies from violence or accident, and if they do there's always another copy of them or a clone from a parallel universe ready to step in. There's no risk . . . there's no realism. Why watch something that screams to you every episode of how fake it is?
Hello Blogger, been looking for the latest info on oily skin and found The End of Star Trek. Though not exactly what I was searching for, it did get my attention. Interesting post, thanks for a great read.
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