Thursday, February 10, 2005
Some Good News, Some Bad

A recent statement by North Korean diplomats admitted that the worker's paradise has nuclear weapons. This comes as no surprise really since intelligence assumed they already had a couple. But this item in Newsweek, the magazine of defeat, implies that North Korea's nuclear ambitions are justified since Bush really wants Kim il Joke Jong dead.

It's funny that the tone of the Newsweek article smacks of appeasement. I disagree with the author's analysis. If North Korea wanted to prove to the world it had a nuke, it would have done an underground test. This statement means nothing. They now feel they need to claim to have a working nuke. The fact is that we really don't know if they have one. And if you want to prove to the world that you have one, you wouldn't issue some silly statement through diplomats.

But there's good news today too. The trial of traitor lawyer convicted terrorist Lynne Stewart is over. A jury convicted her of, well basically aiding terrorists and she could get up to 20 years. For Stewart, that's probably a life sentence. You have to read the Reuters account. According to them, Stewart was "long a defender of the poor and unpopular" and quote her as saying, "I committed no crime. I know what I did was right. I was a poster girl for John Ashcroft and his Patriot Act." She also said, "I hope this case will be a wake-up call to all citizens of this country. You can't lock up the lawyers. You can't tell lawyers how to do their job. I'd like to think I would do it again. It's the way a lawyer is supposed to behave." Maybe not. Maybe the law insures that lawyers aren't terrorists too. And maybe we should remember that Lynne Stewart is not an innocent victim, but someone who has advocated the violent overthrow of the United States in the past. She deserves a long sentence. For a non-"you're destroying our civil rights" discussion of the Stewart case click here.

Special Bonus Good News: Al Franken is not running for the Senate. Base10 has also decided to take his name out of consideration as well. Who would vote for Al Franken?
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