Friday, February 04, 2005
Posting Before the Clock Strikes Midnight

Ah, Base10 made it just under the wire. Manhattan College lost a squeeker and seems to be burying themselves. The Knicks...who cares. To uphold all of today's promises, here's to Emmitt Smith for retiring after 15 years in the NFL. And doing it in the uniform of the team with the big star on their field. Also, condolences to Max Schmelling, a great boxer that most in today's generation have never heard of, but passed on at the tender age of 99. For a championship boxer this is sweet victory.

Finally, Base10's shameless pick for the Superbowl. After careful scientific analysis, Base10 has determined that you'd be crazy to lay the points. The Pats currently are laying 7. Base10 has no strong rooting interest in the game. After all, all desire to see the Pats lose is cancelled out by hatred for Terrell Owens. Base10's prediction: a very close Superbowl, much like last year. Either team could win it, and you'd be crazy not to take the points.

On reflection, Base10 notes that we football fans have been blessed with some terrific Superbowls the last few years. Remember a few short years ago when the NFC dominated the game? Let's hope that this year's game upholds that most recent of competitive standards.

Well, more tomorrow.
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