Monday, February 14, 2005
Happy Birthday, Mr. Lincoln

Today is the celebration of Lincoln's Birthday--although I believe his birthday was Friday. Thanks for everything you did for this county Abe, and we don't care whether you had a little swish in your step or not.

Base10 is hard at work. He is trying to configure a MySQL server at work (in an efort to migrate from the dreaded Microsoft). I have been trying to get it to work on a windows box at work - so far it works but I was only able to access it remotely after I removed Windows XP Service Pack 2. I suppose that's a feature. I also managed to get MySQL working on my deck at home, but I can't get that working remotely either.

Anyway, after watching the Pro Bowl last night I came to the horrifying conlusion that football season is really over. What am I going to do tonight?

Base10 will try to post a little later tonight. He came across a couple of interesting tech issues over the weekend that I'd like to comment on. On the political front, there's also the assasination of the former Prime Minister of Lebanon. Base10 predicts this will be the next Middle East flashpoint and maybe the beginning of the end for Assad.
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