Wednesday, February 09, 2005
Double Standard
Here's the title and lede of a NY Times article on the trial of
Lawyer on Trial in Terror Case Finds Threat Left at Her Door
Lynne F. Stewart, a lawyer standing trial on charges of conspiring with Islamic terrorists, said she received a written threat at her home in Brooklyn yesterday from a militant Jewish organization, as the jury deciding her fate finished 101/2 days of deliberations with no verdict.
The article notes that fliers were also left around the court house--leading the Times to fear that Ms. Stewert would be denied a fair trial. The Times quotes a Jewish Defense Organization member who is not pleased with Stewerts efforts to aid terrorists,
In a telephone interview after the jurors went home for the day, Jeff Klein, who said he was a board member of the Jewish Defense Organization and a spokesman, said the group had not tried to contact any jurors directly. He said the group decided to begin the campaign against Ms. Stewart on Monday night.
"We're stepping things up," said Mr. Klein, adding that he had recorded the voice mail message. "We're hoping she's convicted, but our campaign is to ruin her by getting her neighbors to evict her from her home, and to put pressure on the landlord to evict her from her office. When we're done making their life miserable, hopefully they will make her life miserable."
There go those pesky Jews again, going around trying to influence juries and deny people fair trials. But wait, the Times does at least mention the prosecutor's counter-argument,
Robin Baker, a prosecutor, argued that the fliers outside court were a legal form of political expression, not much different from the placards that Ms. Stewart's supporters have often carried there.
Where was the indignation in the Times over jury tampering then?