Monday, January 31, 2005
Where is the Reaction?

Base10 notices a distinct lack of major media coverage on the Iraq election. There's some, for sure, but I think the crash of the Marine helicopter got more coverage. Base10's impression was that the media was just waiting--maybe even hoping--for a disater to happen. It never did. Even mainstream media sources are at best mixed. Here's the lead paragraph to today's Al Jazeera AP account.
BAGHDAD, Iraq - Iraq's interim leader called on his countrymen to set aside their differences Monday, while polling stations finished the first-phase count of millions of ballots from the weekend election that many Iraqis hope will usher in democracy and hasten the departure of 150,000 American troops.

Hasten the departure of the Americans, eh? That was an equal motive for voting along with ushering in democracy. That came out in a lot of the interviews I saw. Especially the ones where Iraqis were dancing and singing in celebration. Even the AP can't deny though that turnout appears to be around 57%. As much as tbe anti-American left will cry about "Sunni enfranchisement," voter turnout in Iraq was better than the US or even Israel--long seen as the bellweather nation in voter turnout.

The anti-Bush/anti-American themes appear to be the following:
  1. The Sunnis were not sufficiently enfranchised. This will lead to civil war.

  2. The vote does not create a democracy. Many countries that are not free have elections.

  3. The vote means nothing. The security situation will simply deteriorate further post-election

  4. If the vote is so successful, US forces should draw down now.

The responses to which are, in order, (1) no, (2) that's dumb, (3) maybe, maybe not, and (4) that's even dumber.
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