Monday, January 10, 2005
Washington State Elections

While he's been following the story, Base10 hasn't written about the situation in Washington State. The gubernatorial election is still being challenged. The nominal winner, Democrat Christine Gregoire, defeated Republican Dino Ross by 129 votes after three recounts, the first two of which were won by Rossi and the third paid for by the Democrats. Although due to be sworn in on Wednesday, Rossi is appealing the results and it may result in a re-vote.

There were many, many discrepancies in the electoral process in Washington and I'm afraid the situation stinks of Democratic big-city machine politics. There's a good roundup of the discrepancies in John Fund's column in the Opinion Journal.

This is particularly ironic given the recent moonbat objection raised by Barbara Boxer over certification of the electoral college results for Ohio. Where are Boxer and her fellow blue-staters condemning the shenanigans in Washington. Apparently they only get outraged when Republicans win. There's an election reform movement afoot on the left, click here for an example, but Dems would probably lose more by cutting out election fraud than Republicans (i.e. no double absentee student ballots, no votes from the dead, etc.), so bring on reform!
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