Wednesday, January 12, 2005
Trash Talk from a Kicker? and other NFL News

In what will certainly fire up New England this weekend, Colts kicker Mike Vanderjagt actually trash-talked the New England Patriots. Earning the moniker "Vanderjerk" from at least one of the Pats squad (and probably a few more), Vanderjagt said the Pats were "ripe for the picking" and also that "they're not as good as the beginning of the year and not as good as last year." This is the team that earned a first round bye, you know. Pats players should not take this seriously though. This was just the kicker. Who cares what the kicker thinks? However, Base10 does suspect that these quotes will be plastered all over the Pats locker room.

You would think that a professional athlete would not engage in such stupid banter. Especially given his team's struggles at Foxboro. Let's see, "dome boy" Peyton Manning will likely have to play in frigid open-air conditions this weekend. And he'll have to play against one of the most resourceful defenses in the NFL. We'll see who's ripe, Mr. V.

Meanwhile, all is not rosy in Jetland. Chad Pennington was down with a stomach virus today. Oh no! Did he contract it from Base10? Mrs. Base10 believes it is simply a manifestation of "Jets Fever." After Base10 experienced high fever and vomiting early Monday morning, he certainly sympathizes with Chad. Take heart, Boys in Green, the virus clears up the next day.

In other playoff news, Ben "Unspellable Last Name" Roethlisberger pledged his playoff game check to the tsunami relief effort and hopes that other players do the same. Way to go, Ben!
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