Friday, January 28, 2005
Sunday Morning Shoutfest Preview

This Sunday appears to belong to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. Chris Wallace will interview Dr. Rice on Fox News Sunday along with an on-the-ground-in-Iraq election report by Shepard Smith.

Meanwhile, Dr. Rice apparently still has access to that Defense Department space/time continuum matter teleportation device because she will also be appearing on This Week with that Greek Guy on ABC. Also making an apearance with be Senator Evan Bayh (D-Ind).

Dr. Rice certainly wants to keep those wacky guys at DARPA busy with the teleporter, because she's also appearing on Face the Nation on CBS. Senators Richard Lugar (R-Ind) and Joseph Biden (D-Del) round out the guests.

The DARPA guys are evidently not welcome at Meet the Press this weekend. Tim Russert has an exclusive interview with Sen. John Kerry for the entire hour. Base10 really questions the reason for this. It's not as if other news will be taking place at that moment, you know like the first elections in the history of a major Middle Eastern nation. Given that, why would anybody be interested in listening to Loser Liberal Democrat John Kerry blather on and on. Will he mentioned that he served in Vietnam? Of course a suspicious mind would take this as a set up if the Iraqi elections go horribly wrong. It will be about 6:30 or 7:00 PM in Baghdad at the time that Kerry makes his appearance. If the elections do go badly, that's basically giving Kerry an hour to rant about the President without presenting any opposing opinion. Nice going NBC!
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