Friday, January 07, 2005
Not a Good Friday...

But a Friday nonetheless! Well another week over and here is Base10 after he has once again neglected his readers to post in that other blog. Fear not. Tomorrow is a new day. Especially for the New York Football Jets, who kickoff about 8PM. Hoo hoo!

Base10 spent the day wrestling with his computer network at work. It is likely that one or more of the machines became infected with a worm and began spewing spam outso fast that it soaked up all our bandwith. After replacing a faulty hub, replacing a router, and blocking port 25, the problem appears to be alleviated, at least for now. But startng Monday, we must isolate the machine and sterilize it. (I feel like Nomad from Star Trek).

Speaking of Star Trek, there were many, many comments made at work today about Scotty fixing the computers. Aye, Captain, the computers are most certainly down. Even they must obey the laws of physics man! Oh well, there could be worse comparisons.

In any event, on tomorrow's agenda, there will be an NFL playoff preview and more comments on this week in punditry. To keep yourselves occupied until then, please read this post by my colleague over at OmapBlog. It is a comment on an hysterical piece by Daniel Henninger in the Opinion Journal about how some artists on the left seem to think that New York was so great in the 70's. I know I would have liked to have sat with my kids in Bryant Park in 1979. That is of course if we could have found a place to sit that wasn't occupied by lounging drug addicts or covered with hypodermic needles. Those sure were the days!
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